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Being outdoors is good for our Mental Health

Writer's picture:  T4H T4H

Dear Students and friends of SLaM Recovery College,

Every Thursday afternoon throughout the summer, in partnership with the RHS and SLaM Recovery College, the Horniman will run a range of outdoor activities for people living with social isolation and/or mental ill health in the Horniman Gardens.

There will be range of activities each week, with hands-on active things such as gardening and crafts as well as more mindful sensory activities. People are free to choose what sort of thing they’d prefer, do as much or little as they like, and choose to do things on their own or with other people. You can attend one, all or a handful of sessions.


- Light touch gardening, horticulture and growing

- Outdoor crafts

- Nature walks

- Creative nature-based activities, such as drawing, photography or writing

- Simply spending time outdoors


- For anyone who may benefit their health and wellbeing through spending time outdoors

- Open to all ages who can access the top of the Horniman Gardens

- People with all levels of English welcome


Address: Horniman Museum and Gardens, 100 London Rd, SE23 3PQ.

Activities will be based in a (fairly) flat grassy area at the top of the Horniman Gardens


Every Thursday afternoon between Thursday 1st June and Thursday 10th August from 2:00pm – 4:00pm


There is no cost to take part.

Please note that:

- It is at the top of a relatively steep hill.

- It is in a public area of the gardens. The area itself will not be available to the

public during activities, but there may be busyness and noise from other visitors and occasional passing vehicles.

- We aim to be solely outdoors for all activities but will use indoor areas around the site in the event of heavy rain.

If you would like to take part, please enrol via the SLaM Recovery College enrolment form:



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Therapy 4 Healing Registered in England No 7103929

T4H Head Office, 120 Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, London. SE23 1BX

Tel: 020 8617 8820

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