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Black Expo 2023 (Lewisham)

Writer's picture:  T4H T4H

It was great to see you all at the Black VCS EXPO 2023. It was the 2nd annual ‘Black Voluntary and Community Sector Expo 23’ being held at the Civic Suite, Lewisham, on Friday 13th October 9.30am - 4.30pm.

This event was inspired by Mabadiliko CIC and was being supported by Lewisham Public Health and the Black VCS Network.

The theme of this event was black VCS stakeholders and their role in delivering culturally appropriate health and well-being services to Lewisham’s black residents. Social Prescribers, Community Champions, PCNs, BLG Mind, CAMHS, Social Services, Schools, Colleges, and other statutory service providers were also invited to come and meet us and the general public.

The programme for the day offered interesting discussions relevant to community leaders, policy makers, clinicians and public health officers involved in addressing health inequity in Lewisham.



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