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Food & Money help re: cost of living

Writer's picture:  T4H T4H

From Good Food Lewisham

Another busy month for GFL despite the summer holidays. We’ve been working on the Food Justice Action Plan, Worrying About Money? leaflet, food waste, cost of living, list of growing projects, food projects supporting each other, local foraging and more. If you’d like something included in future editions please get content to me ( by 13th of the month.


There’s a lot of information in this newsletter.

Key things:

  1. Foraging small grant - deadline 28th September

  2. Community fridge grant – deadline 30th October

  3. Gardening grant – rolling deadline, apply any time

  4. GFL Network meeting on food and the cost of living crisis – 18th October

  5. Voluntary and Community Sector conference - 5th October

  6. Food support – list of projects

  7. Finance advice - Worrying About Money leaflet

  8. Food projects in need of volunteers

  9. Energy advice – SELCE referral form

  10. Nominate a local good food business to be featured – email


The council and others have been working on the draft of the Food Justice Action Plan. The next session on this will be in early October to look at the draft. We’ll let you know when and how to join nearer the time. The next GFL public network meeting will happen on Tuesday 18th October 4-7pm. Please sign up via Eventbrite here. We’ll be focusing on food justice again, continuing discussions from the last meeting, but we’ll give everyone an overview so it’s no problem if you’re new to all this and this is your first meeting. Legendary Community Club has been doing some great work over the summer holidays for Lewisham’s Holiday Activity Programme. They made a total of 9,907 meals for the 5 weeks over the summer. With the help of Tai from Tai Talks Nutrition they created a cultural nutritional balanced menu. They provided paid opportunities for 14 young people, 4 people who use their foodbank services/volunteer with us, as well as other posts. See:


We’ve just come to the end of Capital Growth’s Urban Harvest week where loads of growing events happened. A few Lewisham Local people visited the One Tree Hill Allotment Society open day last Sunday and had a tour of the AFRIL allotment and found out some history of the area – it was an inspiring day. St Mary's Therapeutic Garden, Grow Lewisham, CoCo Collective and others also had events. We also hosted Lewisham Local’s Monthly Breakfast Meeting to let people know about GFL.



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Therapy 4 Healing Registered in England No 7103929

T4H Head Office, 120 Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, London. SE23 1BX

Tel: 020 8617 8820

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