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Walking Men's Group Expo

Writer's picture:  T4H T4H

We have been working in partnership with TFL, Groundwork and the London Marathon Charitable Trust to bring you walks across London. We also partnered with S.I.R.G. who do walks with black men every week. They are now putting an exciting expo together. Do contact them directly if you want to join in their walks and/or expo.

FWD: Calling all Community Groups The Walking Men’s Group (WMG) of Lewisham has partnered with Phoenix Housing to facilitate its first Expo during Men’s Health Awareness Month. As a men’s focused group, we are taking every opportunity to gather together on this date with any community group focused on supporting men and boys. The afternoon is designed to inform, encourage and empower not only men, but their partners and children, on issues related to both mental and physical health, as well as overall wellbeing.

This email is an invitation to join us.

It will take place on Saturday 25th November 2023 at The Green Man, 355 Bromley Rd, London SE6 2RP from 1.00pm to 5.00pm.

If you are interested in collaborating with us on the day with a table, stand and flyers, please get in touch with me via email at or call me on 07830 594691.

Please share the flyer and link below amongst your network. Food will be provided.

Click the link below to register:

Richard Johnson

Walking Men’s Group

Committee Secretary



Join our mailing list

Therapy 4 Healing Registered in England No 7103929

T4H Head Office, 120 Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, London. SE23 1BX

Tel: 020 8617 8820

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